Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Getting Bored

Just purchased a few things from the net. First off I got the delicious record "So Runs the World Away" by the talented Josh Ritter. Great stuff and my first vinyl, so I'm pretty excited. The other things I bought were a few books from Barnes and Noble. Mostly references for my studies and writings: Guerrilla Warfare, Communist Manifesto, Prince, The Constitution of the United States. Not the funniest sounding books but still pretty moving subjects. 

Onto a different subject... women, I have recently met a pretty cool gal in my World Lit class. The professor put us into groups so we could work on a final project and she just happened to be one of the people in the group. Everyone exchanged emails so we could figure the best time to meet up to do the project, none of us really wanted to wake up at ten in the morning just so we could work on the damn thing. We have a bit in common and we hit it off pretty good. Probably something I'll keep everyone updated on. Not like anyone I know reads or even knows about this blog. 

And lastly onto the nerdy portion of my blog... even though the constitution is pretty nerdy... anyways! I have pre-ordered the collectors edition of Dead Space 2. It comes with the plasma cutter, how could I resist! To be fair to myself this is the first time and more than likely last time I will ever buy a collectors edition. 

Till next time, have a great week everyone!

Monday, October 11, 2010


As I get older I realize how childish some college students can be. My neighbors literally screech like 6 year old girls, I thought girls stopped that when they were.... I don't know, 7? Well anyways, the funniest thing I've noticed is the difference between my roommate who JUST turned 20 a few days ago and myself. We both have class everyday at noon, now on to the comparison. I will wake up on my own at roughly 9-10 (at latest) while his alarm will go off at 10:30 at which point he will climb down off his loft and lay on the futon and go back to sleep. I will have showered and started working out by the time this happens. I will then finish working out and head out the door at 11:30, I've never seen him awake in the 2 years we've been roommates that is unless he has class. I don't know when he has the time shower/brush his teeth/eat/etc It's rather astounding to me.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Week Past

Haven't been on in a few days but it has been a busy week. Currently reading two books at the same time so I can have them done in time. One of which is called Soul Mountain by Gao Xingjian and the other is Family by Pa Chin. I also have an exam on Thursday about Ah Q and Rickshaw, so I've been studying for those. But as you can see from my tweets its been the only thing I've really been doing.

On a less school related note I bought Red Dead Redemption a few days back and finally got to play it last night, its a pretty fun game. I also finished paying of Black Ops, I got the hardened edition, can't wait for it to release now.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Chinese Sunday

So today is Sunday and I woke up a little later than I wanted, 2:00PM. I have quite a lot reading to get through by next Tuesday 20 Chapters in Rickshaw which I guess isn't a lot for some people but it's not exactly the most riveting read for a full day of reading. I also have 4 Chapters to get through in The True Story of Ah Q. Guess it's time to start reading again.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Bad Luck Baby

Well it's been a little over three years since my car crash and I'm wondering if it should have been worse. Everything has gotten harder and worse since that car crash; I've been homeless, my fiance at the time left me and so forth and so on. Thought today would be a good day and it would seem I was wrong. Sometimes living through an incident doesn't actually mean you're alive.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Easy Hump Day

To start with I was pretty lucky and I didn't even have to go to my Political Philosophy (PL310) class today, which is always nice. It isn't in anyway my hardest class or my most boring class, but its still nice to take a little break from Kant. I ended up getting my paper in, even though it was one hell of a Sunday of writing about boring 'ol Hobbes.

In other class related news I'm taking this United States Since 1865 (HS127) and my professor is fairly new to the whole teaching realm. More than half the students in the class are freshmen, and roughly half of the class will be on Facebook/Youtube/etc during the whole duration of the class. Which sucks in the way that no one is paying attention and when he tries to get discussion going its just five minutes of silence, which makes the class seem WAY longer. There are about, I don't know, three of us tops that speak out. Well back to my point, he's talking about WWI right now and he's been just misspeaking so much lately. Example: "They purposely bombed civilians in WWI to win the war." Lets have a quick history lesson shall we? When were bombers invented? Post WWI. What is ONE example in which a country openly shelled a city to attack civilians? You can't show me one? Oh okay.

Well I should get back to writing my half page paper for Geography of Latin America (GC300). ~snore~

Saturday, September 25, 2010

New Blog & Weekend Philosophy

A new blog for a new chapter, not that there were many (if any) readers for the old one.

Well this weekend I have a mediocre sized paper to write for Political Philosophy (PL310) and I haven't started it in any way. I have to go into depth on Hobbes' views on the state of nature and how he believes the state of nature is a state of war. Which if you really want more information on you can pick up his book Levithan, which I'll warn you is a fairly dry book even for me.

If you look over the picture you can see what my morning has consisted of; a delicious breakfast and Steve Cahn's Political Philosophy: The Essential Texts. It's a sad thing when breakfast consist of Stewart's Orange'n Cream, Fruit Snacks and bread but oh well. Talking about soda, I miss the Halloween 2009 Jones soda flavors and I can't wait for them to come out with some new stuff this year.