Monday, October 11, 2010


As I get older I realize how childish some college students can be. My neighbors literally screech like 6 year old girls, I thought girls stopped that when they were.... I don't know, 7? Well anyways, the funniest thing I've noticed is the difference between my roommate who JUST turned 20 a few days ago and myself. We both have class everyday at noon, now on to the comparison. I will wake up on my own at roughly 9-10 (at latest) while his alarm will go off at 10:30 at which point he will climb down off his loft and lay on the futon and go back to sleep. I will have showered and started working out by the time this happens. I will then finish working out and head out the door at 11:30, I've never seen him awake in the 2 years we've been roommates that is unless he has class. I don't know when he has the time shower/brush his teeth/eat/etc It's rather astounding to me.

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