Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Getting Bored

Just purchased a few things from the net. First off I got the delicious record "So Runs the World Away" by the talented Josh Ritter. Great stuff and my first vinyl, so I'm pretty excited. The other things I bought were a few books from Barnes and Noble. Mostly references for my studies and writings: Guerrilla Warfare, Communist Manifesto, Prince, The Constitution of the United States. Not the funniest sounding books but still pretty moving subjects. 

Onto a different subject... women, I have recently met a pretty cool gal in my World Lit class. The professor put us into groups so we could work on a final project and she just happened to be one of the people in the group. Everyone exchanged emails so we could figure the best time to meet up to do the project, none of us really wanted to wake up at ten in the morning just so we could work on the damn thing. We have a bit in common and we hit it off pretty good. Probably something I'll keep everyone updated on. Not like anyone I know reads or even knows about this blog. 

And lastly onto the nerdy portion of my blog... even though the constitution is pretty nerdy... anyways! I have pre-ordered the collectors edition of Dead Space 2. It comes with the plasma cutter, how could I resist! To be fair to myself this is the first time and more than likely last time I will ever buy a collectors edition. 

Till next time, have a great week everyone!

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